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H+ Hannoh Wessel offers free shipping and delivers to most countries around the world.

Please keep in mind that the delivery times may vary per country.

In case of any uncertainties regarding shipping, please feel free to reach out to us via


We ship globally from our warehouse in Italy. Tracking number will be sent once the order has been shipped.


Europe - free shipping for orders over 500€ (below we charge 15€) - orders placed in europe section

Rest of the world (non -eu) free shipping for orders over 500€ (below we charge 40€) - orders placed in world section

United kingdom & Switzerland - orders placed in europe section 

are delivered duties unpaid, and all import taxes, duties, and customs fees, as well as compliance with the laws and regulations of the destination country, are the customer's responsibility. 

If you experience trouble with your delivery please contact and we will try our hardest to respond within 24 hours. You may also contact customer care by calling +39 0542 640658, Monday - Friday between 9am-5pm.


duties and taxes to non-eu countries for shipments to non-eu countries
all packages processed from the world section by H+ Hannoh Wessel are sent with paid duties. there will be no additional costs to your purchase passing through customs.

all purchases made with H+ Hannoh Wessel are insured from the moment they are dispatched until they are  receipted at the specified delivery address. customers are required to sign for receipting their delivery, at which point responsibility for the purchase passes on to the customer.



Made in Italy - Hannoh


2023 P.IVA 03576931202



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